
Although the Swine population represents the smallest of the market segments, Ceva is actively developing a swine portfolio to meet the requirements of the most prevalent sectors of this market.

Vaccines: Hyogen® (Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae), Circovac® (Circovirus Type 2)

Antibiotics: Tenaline® LA (Oxytetracycline), Florkem® (Florfenicol 300 mg/ml

Metabolism: Multivit Effervescent (Vitamin supplements)

Nutrients: Gleptosil® (Gleptoferron Iron supplement)

Coccidiostat: Forceris® (Gleptoferron and Toltrazuril combination)

Anti-microbial growth promoter: Ceva Olaquidox 10% (Olaquindox)

Last update: 03/03/2020

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