Cattle Vaccine

Bacterial vaccines for the protection of large ruminants is an area of ​​expertise that we inherited from the company's previous experience in biological products.

Coglavax® (Vaccine for protection against Clostridial toxins)

A polyvalent-inactivated Toxoïd vaccine for the prevention of the following conditions caused by Clostridial toxins in sheep and cattle:

  • Clostridial Myositis (Gas Gangrene in cattle and sheep, Malignant oedema, Black quarter in cattle and sheep,  Uterine gas gangrene in cattle and sheep, Necrotic hepatitis)
  • Enterotoxaemia (Redgut in cattle, Bloodgut in sheep, Pulpy kidney, Lamb dysentery, Haemorrhagic enteritis)
  • Tetanus (Lock jaw)  

Coglavax® induces 2 IU antibodies per mℓ serum against Alpha toxin of Clostridium perfringens Type A. 


Effectively reduces the risk of losses due to toxin production following the overgrowth of the ubiquitous Clostridial bacteria in the gut, under the following circumstances:

  • Fast growing stock with high dry matter intake
  • After parturition in heifers and cows
  • During intake of lush growing pasture
  • Variation in intakes as is often the case in zero-grazing dairy systems and beef & sheep feedlots
  • In wounds (e.g. caused by shearing, uterine wounds, tail docking, castration and teething)

Lower risk of injection site tissue reactions.

More on Coglavax® 100 Mℓ

More on Cogalvax® 500 Mℓ

Last update: 27/10/2021

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