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CEVAMEC® 1 % INJECTABLE SOLUTION 500 mℓ, Reg No G2811 (Act 36/1947)

1 % injectable Ivermectin for sheep and cattle ① Macrocyclic lactone

Cattle: Roundworm, Eye worm and Parafilaria (false bruising – 70 days needed before slaughter for lesions to disappear after treatment), sucking and mange lice, as well as sand tampans.  Treats maggot infested wounds (effective for 2 weeks) and Blue ticks (21 days effective).  Fast grazing rotation for 21 days in Spring and again in Autumn will lead to a decrease in next generation blue tick numbers.

Sheep: Prevention and treatment of roundworm, nasal bot, sheep scab, Australian itch mite during moist conditions.

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