Our Core Values

CEVA South Africa is committed to the following core values:

SOLIDARITY - focusing on teamwork, we want to tackle the most important animal health challenges worldwide.

 With the merger of several small companies Ceva Animal Health was born. Despite many obstacles, such as different practices and cultures that had merged, stolen phone and internet cables, Escom power crisis, the global economic downturn and credit constraints, Ceva grew. Since 2008, Ceva's sales grew by 43%, Strategic and innovative products in the same period grew by 133%.  Implementation of technical support teams ensure that CEVA products are correctly and optimally utilized. With the addition of well-qualified personnel and the associated improvement in productivity, the operating result improved by 25.9%.

INNOVATION - our willingness to depart from conventional approaches by bridging limitation of ideas. 

During the past 30 years the growth period of broilers decreased from 65 days to 35 days. The shortened growth period has resulted in the broiler not having enough time to develop an optimal immune response to traditional vaccines. New vaccine development is focused on day-old or even in-ovo administration, for an adequate immune response. These innovative vaccine's success depends on accurate application. Ceva's development of Hatchery vaccination equipment, as well as technical backup, has found great favour in the market.

Reducing stress in broiler breeders and layers, due to repeated vaccinations with inactivated vaccines in poultry, has resulted in polyvalent vaccines becoming more and more popular.  The efficacy of these vaccines depends on the correct dose administration. The latest innovation in the process of implementation is Desvac Intra-muscular vaccination equipment.   This enables the client to provide accurate intramuscular vaccinations, repeatable in terms of accurate rate and desired positioning of injection.

ENTREPRENEURIAL SPIRIT – our employees, scientists and network of partners are encouraged to use their expertise to constantly improve animal health know-how, so that real solutions may be found.

The C.H.I.C.K. Program (Ceva Hatchery Injection Control Keys) has been successfully implemented in 16 broiler hatcheries.  Focus is on Hatchery vaccines, equipment, vaccination technique, evaluation and diagnosis of vaccinations. The technical team is responsible for training, service and maintenance of the equipment and the evaluation of vaccinations.

Ceva supports the South African Veterinary Association, and more specifically the Veterinary Foundation, through funding and assistance in epidemiological studies and research. Ceva identified the need for training and scientifically based information for the veterinarian and farmer and is directly involved in facilitating speciality group discussions and training. (E.g. Sheep Farm Services, Ceva University).

With the support of our customers, Ceva is confident that we could be one of the 5 major Animal Health companies in the world in the near future.   CEVA TAKES ITS ROLE TO HELP FEED 9 BILLION PEOPLE IN THE NEAR FUTURE VERY SERIOUSLY AND WE ARE WORKING HARD TO MAKE IT POSSIBLE.

Last update: 15/05/2020

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